Monday, April 17, 2006

Still Playing the Game

Happy post Easter folks. I hope all had a safe and spiritual weekend. Sorry for the long drought here on the blog. I will do better.
In case you were wondering insecure people STILL suck. I don't understand why some people feel that they can overcome their insecurities by simply being more aggressive. People are not blind. If you don't know how to lead it will show. Some people are born leaders others have to learn, but there are some that just don't have it in them. That's cool. Just know who you are and be true to that.
There is a place for leaders and followers. If the world was made up of leaders nothing would get accomplished. The problem is there are those that seek leadership for the wrong reasons. They think that leadership holds glitz and glamour. It does, in some cases, but in most it holds way more work and requires a lot more dedication than the amount of glamour and recognition it produces.
A leader has a lot more on the line. Contrary to what most think reputation is the least important. It's the other people you are responsible for. So what if your reputation is ruined if you let your people down, the people that follow you that is a HUGE burden to bare. When you think about it, why would anybody seek leadership? Really I think that true leaders don't seek it out. Leadership seeks you. Sometimes it finds you but most of the time it finds someone else.


Blogger Kim said...

I would definitely agree. Leadership isn't something you should go in search of. The best leaders are those who sat patiently watching and learning and then leadership found him/her.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

The Game SUCKS!

7:58 AM  

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